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Professor Tim Ensor

Professor of International Health Systems
Areas of expertise
Health economics and systems
Faculty of Medicine and Health
School of Medicine

I first started working in Southeast Asia in 1992 when i visited to Thailand to work in the Health Economics Unit of Chulalonghorn University in Bangkok.
In 1993 I undertook an assessment for the EU of the then nascent pilot health insurance scheme in Vietnam which has since been scaled up to a national programme. Later I examined the workings of user charge exemptions in a project funded by UNICEF.
In the early 2000s, I undertook work in Cambodia on workforce modelling, a World Bank public health expenditure review and the impact of health financing mechanisms on uptake of maternal and other health services.
I worked extensively in Indonesia, first with the policy unit of the Ministry of Health and then led a nationwide costing study of primary and hospital services for GIZ. I supervised a PhD student, Dr Hafidz Firdaus (now at the University of Gadjah Mada) who I previously worked with on the costing study and who used the datasets we produced in hs doctoral work.