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Professor Linda McGowan

Professor of Applied Health Research
Areas of expertise
Nursing, midwifery, psychology
Faculty of Medicine and Health
School of Healthcare

Can you tell us about your research, work and expertise in Southeast Asia?

I have a clinical background in nursing and midwifery and an academic background in psychology. I have Masters in Health Services Research and Technology Assessment, and a PhD in Health Psychology. I link with universities and institutions who have interests in Medicine and Health.

I hold two Visiting Professorships in Indonesia:
1. UNISA University, Yogyakarta where I link directly with the Master of Midwifery programme; with colleagues we have also set up an International Practice Programme where students and staff come to Healthcare every year for observational clinical activity, seminars and workshops.
2. Universitas Muhammadiyah, Surakarta (UMS) - I am linked to the Faculty of Health Sciences and provide lectures and research advice and support. I have successfully secured 6 Indonesian Government Scholarships for PhD study - 4 have completed, 2 are ongoing.

Any anecdote you would like to share?

On a visit to Surakarta I went to meet with some village midwives and they invited me to go on their daily rounds with them - this was on the back of a very fast and powerful motorbike! Great fun!

Three women on a motorbike in Surakarta