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Professor John Walley

Clinical Professor of International Public Health
Areas of expertise
Public Health
Faculty of Medicine and Health
Medical School, Leeds Institute of Health Sciences, Nuffield Centre for International Health

Can you tell us about your research, work and expertise in Southeast Asia?

I spent 25 years working in Southeast Asia, including two years as a health advisor in the Ministry of Health, Hanoi, Vietnam (employed by SIDA) prior to joining the University of Leeds. My main role has been Co-Director PI of TB and communicable disease ( research programmes over 20 years with our partners (and ministries of health programmes) in Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh and China. Also with the Malaria Consortium London and Cambodia on antimicrobial resistance reduction. Our work has been to research, develop, pilot-test and trial packages of care including innovations together with the ministries of health/programmes of those countries. I've also conducted consultancies for the World Bank in Vietnam, for UKaid in Sri Lanka, and the EU in Thailand.

Any anecdote you would like to share?

I met my wife Sophie in Hanoi Vietnam, when she was the health economics advisor with Save the Children Vietnam.